Thursday, June 4, 2020


by Prince Josiah Jeyaraj

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

When the going gets tough, too many quit, or want to quit, but in reality one never really quits the problem, he or she just runs away from the challenge.

How often do we hear great athletes say this in their interviews, "we worked hard and never gave up." Another very popular example is Thomas Edison invented the light bulb because he was persistent and he never gave up his efforts and these are people we remember and not those who gave up.

Hebrews 11, lists out people who never gave up, what they had that GOD would record them and honor them and list them in list of “Heroes of faith”. Noah building the ark, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and even King David - these men with their own stories and challenges never gave up, they are well remembered even today.

It takes a lot of character, intelligence, or common sense to stay focused when the way gets tough. Rarely is anything solved by quitting. There will always be Challenges in life, wherever we go or in whatever we do. Let us be focused and Never Give UP!