Sunday, June 7, 2020


by Prince Josiah Jeyaraj

“Well done, good and faithful servant” Matthew 25:23.

Success is measured and defined differently by God. God's measure of success involves our obedience and faithfulness to Him. Success is accomplishing His goals and His purposes for our life.

Noah’s country men mocked him and never understood him, from world’s point of view he was a crazy old man, and towards the end we can call him to be successful, however from God’s perspective he was good and faithful. Moses left his riches and led the people of God in wilderness for 40 Years, from world’s point of view he could have been branded foolish to leave his position, power and wealth and away to lead God’s people; however from God’s perspective he was good and faithful.

We must not let ourselves to be carried away by the world, chasing its misguided definitions of success. If we are faithful to Christ and to His Word, keeping His commands, we will be rewarded accordingly. There is no greater or higher measure of success than the praise of our Savior, saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).

If success is defined in terms of the passing pleasures of this life like popularity, wealth and position then those listed in Hebrews 11, the 12 Disciples of Christ and many saints of the Bible might not qualify as being successful.

Think if you want to be called successful or to be certified by the LORD “Well done good and faithful servant”