Saturday, June 6, 2020


by Idaline Prince

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.

Psalm 19:7-8

When you step into a restaurant, you are handed the menu card with all the varieties of delicacies available. The flavor of each dish is unique from the other. The banquet that God is inviting us to partake, in Isaiah 55:1-3 offers water that refreshes wine that gladdens and milk that nourishes.

Just like the food that we eat benefits our body in different ways by energizing us for the activities ahead, nourishing bones and muscles, God’s word impacts our spiritual life. Take a parallel look at Psalm 19: 7, 8 – it throws light on the multi-faceted all sufficient Word.

Vs 7a: The law and teachings from God’s word which are perfect and whole, have the ability to restore, transform, refresh and give new life. 

Vs 7b: It is not enough to be just transformed by the Word, but we need to continue as disciples. The statues of the Lord which are trustworthy instruct us and give us an understanding of who God is and makes us wise.

Vs 8a: These instructions are not stern commands but gracious intimations from the heart of God which makes us upright and thus fills us with joy and serenity.

Tip for physical fitness: Eat food in right proportions ensuring all nutrients

For Spiritual health: Ask these three questions to ensure a wholesome treat from His word-

1.     What change /transformation has the Word made in me today?

2.     Which verse or promise brings delight?

3.     How has my meditation today increased my knowledge of God?

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