By Prince Josiah Jeyaraj
She was in deep crises
Lesson 2: What you have is enough for God
Lesson 3: God’s ways are beyond our understanding
Lesson 4: Give your 100%
2 Kings 4:1 – 7 talks about a very familiar Sunday school story, probably we may have heard it several number of times, but still I would like to mention the story in brief.
The widow’s husband was serving the Prophet (v1)

Great Debt (v1)
About to loose her sons as slave (v1)
She cried to Elisha (v2)
All she had was a flask of oil (v2)
Elisha told her to borrow the vessels, and then commanded her to fill all the borrowed vessels with the flask of oil.
The miracle happened, till the last vessel was filled, the oil from the flask was pouring out.
Elisha told her to sell it and sustain herself.
Lesson 1: God can always open a way for his children in trouble
Troubles are always part of children of God, specially the ones serving the LORD like the widow, who lost her husband and had huge financial crises. Troubles like these are common in our personal life, family life and ministry life. Many times we are in a helpless situation like the Widow. BUT Remember there is a way out for us.
Isaiah 43:19, we read “I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland”. Or as we sing “God will make a way, where there seems to be no way”
Psalm 50:15, we read “Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”
We just need to call on him, the widow called on Elisha who was a representative of God, now we who live in the New Testament ages are given access to call on God directly, so that he can make a way out in our difficult situation.
Whatever may the situation or circumstances you are living in today, just call on HIM. Remember HE IS ABLE!
Lesson 2: What you have is enough for God
God does not want what you do not have. He just wants what you have.
1 Kings 17:13, 14, God feed’s Elijah with a handful of meal at Zarephath. The widow had more than enough (though it was just handful) to sustain herself and her son through the famine.
In John 6, we read 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish was enough for God to make a way out. In John 6:7, Philip was worried of what was not there by saying “Even if we worked for months, we wouldn’t have enough moneya]"> to feed them!” In John 6:8, Andrew saw what was available (5 loaves and 2 fish).
John 2, only water was available for God to make a way out.
Samson took a jaw bone of an ass to kill 1000 Philistines, he did not have armor or any weapon, and he went up against the enemy with what was with him. Moses used the rod he had.
David took 5 Stones and a sling, he tried on the armor – which was not his and gave up and realized what God has given him is enough to go up against the enemy.
Many times we desire, I wish I had that money I could have helped someone, I wish I had enough resources with me, so that I can be a blessing. But remember God does not want what you do not have, he only wants what you have, and HIS hand over it will make it a Greater Blessing.
Lesson 3: God’s ways are beyond our understanding
The widow was asked to collect empty vessels; she should have been humiliated to the core by many individuals for borrowing the vessels. Some could have turned her request down, some might have given her some old vessels, some must have said you have much money to the credit and why do you want vessels.
Coming to the end of the passage, we understand, she had collected enough vessels as in v7, we read see was able to get enough to sell and clear her debts and live with the rest of the money.
God asked Noah to build an ark, when people on earth did not understand what rain / flood was all about.
David took 5 stones to go up against Giant named Goliath. 5 Stones and a sling against a Giant – HIS WAYS ARE BEYOND REASONING.
Gideon went up against enemies with pots, trumpets and torch. Against an Army? His ways are different.
Lesson 4: Give your 100%
The widow collected as many vessels as she could – not knowing the consequence. If she would have collected few because of being humiliated, she would have never had enough to clear off her credit.
The boy gave 5 loaves and 2 fish to Jesus – i.e. All that he had to Jesus.
The servants filled and 6 Jars to the brim – the result was all the 6 jars of water turned to wine. The servants could have been tempted to fill half as half the wedding feast was over.
In 2 Kings 13:14-19
King Jehoash visited Elisha for help as the enemies were closing in. Elisha asked the king to take a bow and some arrows and king did so. Elisha putting his hands over the kings asked him to shoot one arrow to the eastern direction. Elisha remarked now you will have victory over Aram. Then he said to king pick up the other arrows and hit it against the ground. So the king picked up and hit it 3 times. Elisha became very angry and said you should have struck it 5 or 6 times. Since you did it 3 times you will be victorious 3 times only.
The king could have given his 100%, as there could have been 5 to 6 arrows only, but he failed and thus his blessing was limited. Give your 100% as the widow had given. Don’t give up.
God can always open a way for his children in times of trouble.
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