by Idaline Prince
“I AM WHO I AM”. These words were spoken to Moses from the burning bush by God who is eternal, self-existent and unchangeable. Defying time, these words apply to all tenses -past, present and future. In this perishable world everything changes with time. Failing promises, fading beauty, diminishing memory are changes which happen as mortal humans grow older! That’s what distinguishes us from our immortal, unchanging God!!

As I meditated this morning all the passages with ‘I am’ had a practical meaning. The depiction of the vine and branches conveys a theme of prosperity, when we remain with the ‘I am’ (Jn 15:5). The comparison to the bread of life and living water (Jn 6:35, Jn 4:10) promises a supply of our daily needs. The direction and destination of our spiritual journey is marked and guided by God who is the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6). Our safety is assured if we choose to enter through the gate (Jn 10:7), which is Christ himself, He promises to be the good shepherd (Jn 10: 11) who cares and comforts and gives the fullness of life.
Everything I need and desire, I find in Him, the great “I am”.
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