Monday, May 25, 2020


by Prince Josiah Jeyaraj

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  - Matthew 14:28-29

Who lacked faith? Was it Peter or the other disciples with Peter?

When Jesus simply said, “Come” (verses 28-29); it was Peter who responded to the call demonstrated a quality of faith and not the others. Though in (verse 31) Jesus was asking Peter why did you doubt? And it wasn’t a question of where is your faith? 

The eleven other disciples did not want to run the risk or fear of failure held them back from the call of the LORD to exercise their faith. Probably peer pressure or fear of failure or fear of being mocked could have held them back to exercise faith.  Peter was the only one who was willing respond. Is your fear over something holding you back to exercise your faith?

We may fail as Peter did, but fact is, it doesn’t matter because Jesus is adequate to save sinking people like how he saved Peter. Jesus is still looking for people to simply get out of the boat, or our safe zones. If you step out, you could face problems. A storm could be there. But for sure when we fail, our shortest prayer of, “LORD help me”, can remove our fears and doubts to trust HIM more.

Peter was willing to get out of the boat. SPEAK FAITH, DEMONSTRATE FAITH! Are we willing? Will we do what He’s called us to do? Are we willing to take the risks, trying to follow Him? Let’s not be frozen in fear, but respond in faith. We need to learn to trust in Jesus and his way completely.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Br. Prince. We often enjoy others exercising faith but when it comes to our turn many times we fail.... Today's message is perfect for us to live by faith not fear.... am blessed.
