Saturday, May 30, 2020


by Prince Josiah Jeyaraj

Hebrews 11, lists out “Heroes of Faith” like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and even King David - these men kept their faith in midst of challenges, and continued to exhibit their trust in the LORD and they are well remembered even today. Even today we see their faith influences our walk with the LORD.   

We can see in 2 Kings 5:1-14, how Naaman came to be cleansed of his leprosy. He received his instructions, he became so upset when he learnt that he had to go see a prophet instead of the king.  He got even more frustrated when Elisha sent his servant to deal with him and asked him to dip himself in the muddy Jordan River. This could be simple process for many but for a man of Naaman stature, it was fight within to follow instructions.

If Naaman had quit after fifth or sixth dip in the water, he would have never been healed. It was that one last seventh dip, which mattered the most. May be we quit one dip short of losing something. Don’t give up, try to see things through GOD's eyes;

Naaman believed the unnamed slave in his house, believed Elisha in the enemies’ camp, believed Elisha’s servant who brought the instructions to dip in Jordan and believed 7 dips was necessary to be healed. Faith is not a onetime action but a continuous action.

It was the faith and confidence of the young girl which drove Naaman to drive kilometers away to an enemy country to find healing for him. I don’t think anyone would listen to the servant girl and follow the advice; however she had the power to influence. I am sure she knew the risk involved asking her Master to visit her country for healing especially in a time Leprosy wasn’t curable.

Is our faith a faith of influence like that of an insignificant servant girl, she was not just a servant but a captive.

She was insignificant yet she influenced her master with her faith.