Little Boy with 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes
A very familiar and a popular miracle Jesus performed was feeding the five thousand, the same miracle has be quoted in four Gospels (Matthew 14:13 – 21, Mark 6:30 – 44, Luke 9:10 – 17 & John 6:1 – 14). Matthew, Mark & Luke almost explain the miracle in the same manner, but in the John’s gospel, the source of the 5 loaves & 2 fishes was identified. In John 6:8, “Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. “There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?” 
I drew my imagination little bit to understand the possibility of the way in which the little boy gave to Jesus. Just imagine a little child has a bar chocolate and you happened to ask the child, the child would hesitate to give, on majority of the case the child will never give. On a other case, the child has Cadbury Gems packet, and you happened to ask the child, the child will surely pick one of the Gems from the packet ten and give it to you.
The young
boy mentioned in John 6:8 had all the possibilities to give just one bread and one fish and eat the rest, but went on to give all that he had and the Lord blessed it, as result of this act, the little boy was blessed, the people were blessed and more over Jesus himself was blessed. And when the blessing of the Lord comes it as in Ephesians 3:20, “God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than what ask or imagine or comprehend.” Twelve baskets were remaining. It was just over following. Like the little boy the Lord wants us give 100%, 100% in all the opportunities God has created for you to give. It might have been the tiniest of all the opportunities or opening God has given, even then give it 100% and you can see the blessing of the Lord.
When rewind few chapters behind, we can see that devil tested Jesus to turn the stones to bread. In fact Jesus had all the possibilities to convert the stones to bread, but Jesus wanted to use the little boy as his instrument. God on many occasion spoke to Prophet Eli, but he used Little Samuel to speak for him to Project Eli. In the same manner God wants to use you as his instrument to full fill his purposes. Jesus would have definitely gone ahead in feeding the people, even if the little boy had denied giving to Jesus. Remember if you are not making use of the opportunity God has placed before you, God would still full fill the things he wanted, through some one else, who yielded to make use the opportunity.

I drew my imagination little bit to understand the possibility of the way in which the little boy gave to Jesus. Just imagine a little child has a bar chocolate and you happened to ask the child, the child would hesitate to give, on majority of the case the child will never give. On a other case, the child has Cadbury Gems packet, and you happened to ask the child, the child will surely pick one of the Gems from the packet ten and give it to you.
The young

When rewind few chapters behind, we can see that devil tested Jesus to turn the stones to bread. In fact Jesus had all the possibilities to convert the stones to bread, but Jesus wanted to use the little boy as his instrument. God on many occasion spoke to Prophet Eli, but he used Little Samuel to speak for him to Project Eli. In the same manner God wants to use you as his instrument to full fill his purposes. Jesus would have definitely gone ahead in feeding the people, even if the little boy had denied giving to Jesus. Remember if you are not making use of the opportunity God has placed before you, God would still full fill the things he wanted, through some one else, who yielded to make use the opportunity.
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