Tuesday, June 2, 2020


The skillful hunter returned from the wild, famished. As he neared the tent, his nostrils sensed the aroma of freshly brewed lentil stew. He demanded his younger brother for a bowl of soup. At that moment Esau valued a bowl of soup and his life more than anything. It cost him his birthright to satiate his hunger pangs. Unlike Jacob, God offers an invitation to all who are thirsty to be satisfied free of cost in Isaiah 55:1-3.

One of the marketing strategies used to allure customers, are the fancy offers. We are keen to know what is offered for free, than looking at the product itself. The items offered for free usually don’t last long. But when Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman at the well, He guaranteed that she would never thirst again. She came to draw water to quench her physical thirst, but the Messiah, revealed various truths to her and she was filled with the knowledge of the true God and her spiritual thirst was quenched.

Hunger and thirst are body’s way of indicating a need for nourishment. The failure to meet the needs can be as fateful as the loss of these symptoms. Esau paid a price to satisfy his hunger. The Samaritan woman came to the well day after day to fetch water. We, like Esau and the Samaritan woman, take lots of steps to cater to our physical needs. When was the last time you had a longing for the presence of God or a need for a filling from the Holy Spirit?

Take time to assess your spiritual health today. Does your growth chart show an upward curve? Has your time with the Lord increased? Is the daily intake of God’s word sufficient? If the answer is yes, then you are on the road to health. But if you are still battling with lack of time and ignoring the spiritual need, heed to call of God today.

This invitation is not just a one-time offer. The invitation is to continuously partake of his table. When Mephibosheth was brought to King David’s palace, the King ordered that Mephibosheth would eat at the king’s table continuously (2 Samuel 9 ) just like one of his sons.  God the Father has spread out a table for us and invites us to eat and be filled and satisfied. Come!