by Prince Josiah Jeyaraj
Little Samuel:
In I Samuel 3:1 – 14, we read that little Samuel being called by God, God calls Samuel the first time, immediately he runs to Eli and asks Eli did you call me, Eli replied no I didn’t. So returns to his bed. Second time the same voice is heard, still Samuel runs to Eli and Eli replies the same. Third time the same voice, still Samuel runs to Eli, Eli then realizes that it was God who was calling and tell Samuel, next time you hear the voice, you need to say “Speak Lord for your servant is listening” Samuel nods his head and goes back to sleep. Soon he hears the same voice, then Samuel replies, “Speak Lord for your servant is listening”. Then the Lord told lot of things to Samuel. The little boy is able to comprehend and understand what God was telling him.
In I Samuel 3:1 – 14, we read that little Samuel being called by God, God calls Samuel the first time, immediately he runs to Eli and asks Eli did you call me, Eli replied no I didn’t. So returns to his bed. Second time the same voice is heard, still Samuel runs to Eli and Eli replies the same. Third time the same voice, still Samuel runs to Eli, Eli then realizes that it was God who was calling and tell Samuel, next time you hear the voice, you need to say “Speak Lord for your servant is listening” Samuel nods his head and goes back to sleep. Soon he hears the same voice, then Samuel replies, “Speak Lord for your servant is listening”. Then the Lord told lot of things to Samuel. The little boy is able to comprehend and understand what God was telling him.
Let me bring a paradox here, A little boy who is not able to understand who called him, but he is able to understand what was spoken to him. As far as Samuel’s understanding is that, there are just two people out in this room, so it should be Eli who is calling me. Remember your children may not be able to know the Lord’s voice, but God has given them grace to understand, so speak the God’s word to them, tell, teach, and train them so that they can understand what is being communicated to them.
In V18 Samuel speaks all that Lord told him, he did not hold back anything. Children have boldness and courage and express what they know. So when you sow the Lord’s word in their heart, they are going to all out for God and his work. Soon God brings an elevation Samuel becomes the Prophet of the nation. Another small lesson from Samuel, he heard the voice first time, he rushed to Eli, then he heard the second time, he rushed to Eli, again for the third time he hears the voice, he should have thought Eli already told me that he did not call me, why should I go? But Samuel once again rushed to Eli that shows samuel's 100 percent obedience. How is our obedience to God and other?
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