by Prince Josiah Jeyaraj
Children are never too small to be ignored. The Bible has lot to say about the children. More than God exposes his message through this little ones. More over God exposes his love and concern to little children. In Deuteronomy 6:6 – 8, Deuteronomy 31:12 & 13, Joshua 8:34 & 35 & Nehemiah 12:43 we find that whenever the leaders called an assembly, Children were part of the gathering, that proves Children can understand the commandments, purposes and things of God. I would like to highlight few things we can learn from four little children from the Bible.
Miriam (Moses’s Sister):
In Exodus 2:1 – 10, we come across of a very familiar story. Just to brief a bit, Moses mother no longer could hide or protect the baby. Finally they came up with an idea to leave baby Moses inside a basket and allow the basket to float on river Nile. At a distance Miriam was watching the basket as it floated (v4). When she saw the Pharaoh’s daughter sighted to pick up the basket and she identified that the baby is Hebrew baby (v6). She immediately approached her told she would arrange a Hebrew woman to care take baby Moses (v7). Miriam should possibly been 12 – 16 years. (Since Baby Moses was just 3 months)
Children are never too small to be ignored. The Bible has lot to say about the children. More than God exposes his message through this little ones. More over God exposes his love and concern to little children. In Deuteronomy 6:6 – 8, Deuteronomy 31:12 & 13, Joshua 8:34 & 35 & Nehemiah 12:43 we find that whenever the leaders called an assembly, Children were part of the gathering, that proves Children can understand the commandments, purposes and things of God. I would like to highlight few things we can learn from four little children from the Bible.
Miriam (Moses’s Sister):

In Exodus 2:1 – 10, we come across of a very familiar story. Just to brief a bit, Moses mother no longer could hide or protect the baby. Finally they came up with an idea to leave baby Moses inside a basket and allow the basket to float on river Nile. At a distance Miriam was watching the basket as it floated (v4). When she saw the Pharaoh’s daughter sighted to pick up the basket and she identified that the baby is Hebrew baby (v6). She immediately approached her told she would arrange a Hebrew woman to care take baby Moses (v7). Miriam should possibly been 12 – 16 years. (Since Baby Moses was just 3 months)
Things to learn:Nile being the longest river in World, she would have thought anyway my brother Moses is going to die, let me leave the basket and get back home. But she stood at a distance waited for a last opportunity, when she got an opportunity she made the full use of it to save the baby. God provides each one of us with much opportunity, how are we making use of it? Opportunities to care take our child, protect the child, teach the child rightful things, to be a living witness to our children, to be an example and lot more.
She stood for the truth, Miriam very well knew that if she identifies baby Moses as a Hebrew baby he would meet the fate of death, in spite of that when she met with Pharaoh’s daughter, she made a bold statement “I would find a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby for you” (v7). Are we always identifying ourselves with the values of God under any circumstances? Miriam did and God wants you and I to do the same.
Miriam by just making use of the God given opportunity and identify or standing for the values of God, was able to accomplish the great plan of God. As a result of her life, Moses life was spared and he later went on to become the redeemer for the people living in darkness (Egypt). If we are able to make use of the God given opportunities and identifying ourselves to the values our children would come out like Moses in redeeming the lost ones to the kingdom of God.
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